Three-Stage Branch Model applied in DevOps - CI part

I am working on a data platform project, the product itself is composed of several microservices. Our team is under great pressure of operation and mantainance. Thanks to the DevOps helps us keep the balance of development and deployment.

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Using Arrow to Handle Errors and Exceptions in Kotlin

This is an introduction to leveraging Arrow to handle exceptions and errors in functional programming.

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Common Traps in Python - part 1

The first part of the python-traps series will explains the common mistakes we may encounter in list

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10 Basic Tips on Bash Scripting to Optimize Your Operation Work

Shell programming is such an essential skill that you need to master, if you want to step further into the Linux/Unix world.

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How to depoly MapR kafka app on kubernetes

THe How-to guids to set up kafka python applications on kubernetes, when the msg resource is mapr-stream

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Advanced Git Usage

Git is widely used. In some scenarios, more advanced skills are required. In this post, I will present some usages, which can impove our efficiency.

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Build blob trigger and storage queue for microservice

This article will introduce Azure Event Grid and respective componentsd

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How to setup Storage Account trigger with Event Grid-1

This article will introduce Azure Event Grid and respective componentsd

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Errors and Solutions with Hyperledger Fabric

I'm an avid open-source supporter, and have always been thinking that open-source projects overweight than most of similar project, until recently I encounters countless errors and problems with Hyperledger Fabric, I started to think the limitations of open-source software

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